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Lesson 1

What is an Observable?

A crash course on hot/cold observables, the observer pattern, and more!


What is an Observable?

What’s the big deal with observable streams? Why should we care and why should we use them? We certainly don’t need to. Using observables is something that is very common in Angular because Angular itself relies a lot on observables internally, and it provides us a lot features in the form of observable streams. We have seen some of these already - the observable stream from ActivatedRoute to get the parameters from the route for example.

In an Angular environment, using observables and RxJS (which is a library that makes it easier for us to work with observables) is quite natural since Angular uses this approach already. But, outside of Angular, there are plenty of applications that don’t use RxJS or observables at all. So, again, the question: what’s so special about observables and “reactive programming”?

It’s not an easy thing to explain, it’s easier once you have some experience with using observables in a reactive way, and also what the sorts of problems are that you face without observables. But… I will do my best to give a basic explanation anyway!

NOTE: This entire lesson dives reasonably deep into the theory of what an observable is. We will be looking at how to, theoretically, create our own observables from scratch. This will give us a better understanding of what is going on with observables and RxJS, but you will never have to actually create observables yourself like this. RxJS already handles that for us. In fact, you don’t really even need to know the theory in this lesson - you can just use RxJS observables as documented and not worry about what is going on behind the scenes. However, taking some time to learn the theory behind them will help immensely.

If you are new to observables I don’t expect you to absorb 100% of what is in this lesson. Even just taking a vague notion of how an observable works away from this lesson will be a big win, and you can always revisit this lesson later to help clarify concepts.

High Level Analogies

Before we get into the specifics, I think it is worthwhile considering some analogies/metaphors for reactive style programming. Some analogies work quite well for me, other analogies work well for others, and for some people these analogies may be completely useless.

One of the key concepts is that we have data coming from some source (e.g. an HTTP request) and it will end up in some sink (i.e. the destination for that data, like a component’s template where the observable is subscribed to). In the entire journey from the source to the sink, the data should never leave the stream until it finally “comes out” at the destination.

One metaphor that works particularly well for me is that of a factory with some kind of conveyor belt/assembly line (if you have ever played the game Factorio, kind of like that). We can imagine our source as being however our items get put onto the beginning of the conveyor belt. That item will continue along the conveyor belt until it finally gets dumped off at the end (i.e. the sink).

The important part of this metaphor is that, along the way, our item could be transformed based on whatever this factory is configured to do. Perhaps there are some machines that squash any items that pass through, or paints them, or cuts them, or it does all of those things. Perhaps our conveyor belt even merges with other conveyor belts and items from other “streams” are combined with our item in some way. At the end of this process, at our sink, we get the result of whatever happens when our items pass through this pre-configured factory.

This is precisely what happens with values in observable streams with reactive programming. Our observable stream is like the conveyor belt, the operators we will use to modify the data passing through the streams are like the factory gadgets modifying and merging things on the conveyor belt, and the values in our streams are like the items on the conveyor belt.

I won’t go into other analogies in as much detail, but they are all more or less the same - situations where something “flows” from one place to another. It might also help you to think of:

  • The source being rain falling, observable streams being rivers and creeks twisting and merging together, the sink being where the “values” (water) end up in the ocean
  • Instead of a conveyor belt/factory analogy, we could also use a plumbing analogy of pipes with different shapes and connectors with water passing through them
  • Electricity and circuits is another good one - we have some source of power, all of the “values” (the electricity) stay in the wires and we can “modify” this stream of electricity along the way in a sense (e.g. converting voltages), and then the values “come out” in the sink which in this case might be something like a lightbulb

These analogies might not mean much to you now, but as we learn more about observables and reactive programming, revisit these in your head and see if they do anything for you.

The Observer Pattern

In the Angular space, the RxJS library is synonymous with observables. I think it is common for people to think that the concept of an observable is an “RxJS thing”.

However, like some other things we have seen, the concept of an observable is part of a general software design pattern - specifically, the observer pattern. It’s worth taking a quick look at this pattern to help remove some of the mystery around observables. Observables seem like these highly complex magic things - “streaming” data? How cool is that? Must be some real fancy programming going on there.

At its core, the role of the observer pattern is to connect a producer of values to one or more observers of those values. We could represent an observable as a simple function that accepts an observer:

const myObservable$ = (observer) => {


NOTE: Notice the $ at the end of the observable name? This does nothing. It is just a convention to indicate that this variable is an observable. It is reasonably common to see this convention, but it’s also not some universally adopted thing, so feel free to do as you please.

The role of the myObservable$ function here is to produce some values, and then notify the observer that was passed to it. An observer is just an object that implements three notifier methods called next, complete, and error:

const observer = {
    next: (data) => console.log('My next was called with', data),
    complete: () => console.log('The observable has finished emitting data'),
    error: (err) => console.log('The following error ocurred', err)

The observer defines how we want to handle the values that are produced by the observable. In a sense, this object is a way for the observer to give the observable a way to contact it.

Let’s say that our myObservable$ observable just emits the values from 1 through to 5. That observable would look like this:

const myObservable$ = (observer) => {

NOTE: With a “proper” implementation of an observable like the one we get from RxJS, the complete method will actually ensure that no more data is emitted from the observable stream. In our example above, calling complete doesn’t actually do anything except trigger our log message. This example is over simplified to give you the general idea.

Our myObservable$ function produces values in any way it wants, and calls the next method on the observer that was passed in to notify it of the values that were produced. Now to use this observable we need to subscribe to it and pass it an observer. Our overly simplified notion of an observable does not have the concept of calling a subscribe method as we would typically do, e.g:

const observer = {
    next: (data) => console.log('My next was called with', data),
    complete: () => console.log('The observable has finished emitting data'),
    error: (err) => console.log('The following error ocurred', err)


Instead, we would use our simple version like this:

const observer = {
    next: (data) => console.log('My next was called with', data),
    complete: () => console.log('The observable has finished emitting data'),
    error: (err) => console.log('The following error ocurred', err)


But it’s the same basic idea. The code above would produce this in the console:

My next was called with 1
My next was called with 2
My next was called with 3
My next was called with 4
My next was called with 5
The observable has finished emitting data

At the beginning, we said that the role of an observable is to connect a producer of values to one or more observers of those values. We can reuse our myObservable$ we have created above with multiple different observers if we want (or we could call it multiple times with the same observer):

const observerOne = {
    next: (data) => console.log('My next was called with', data),
    complete: () => console.log('The observable has finished emitting data'),
    error: (err) => console.log('The following error ocurred', err)

const observerTwo = {
    next: (data) => console.log('Double the data double the fun!', data * 2),
    complete: () => console.log('The observable has finished emitting data'),
    error: (err) => console.log('The following error ocurred', err)

const observerThree = {
    next: (data) => console.log('You call that doubling?', data, data),
    complete: () => console.log('The observable has finished emitting data'),
    error: (err) => console.log('The following error ocurred', err)


Given these observers, and the observable we already defined, see if you can figure out what the output of the above will be.

This will result in the following output:

My next was called with 1
My next was called with 2
My next was called with 3
My next was called with 4
My next was called with 5
The observable has finished emitting data
Double the data double the fun! 2
Double the data double the fun! 4
Double the data double the fun! 6
Double the data double the fun! 8
Double the data double the fun! 10
The observable has finished emitting data
You call that doubling? 1 1
You call that doubling? 2 2
You call that doubling? 3 3
You call that doubling? 4 4
You call that doubling? 5 5
The observable has finished emitting data
My next was called with 1
My next was called with 2
My next was called with 3
My next was called with 4
My next was called with 5
The observable has finished emitting data

Creating a Simple Observable

We have just looked at an overly simplified version of an observable that just uses a simple function. Now, let’s create a slightly more realistic implementation using a class that has an actual subscribe method just like a real observable. This is closer to what a “real” observable looks like but it’s still very simplified as we won’t be implementing the complete and error functionality in the observable, nor will we have the ability to unsubscribe.

interface Observer {
  next: (value: any) => void;
  error: (err: any) => void;
  complete: () => void;

class Observable {
  constructor(private _subscribe: (observer: Observer) => void) {}

  subscribe(observer: Observer) {

Let’s see how we would use this Observable. Let’s create a new Observable that emits the numbers 1 to 5:

const emitOneToFive$ = new Observable((observer) => {

Remember that our Observable class accepts a function as a parameter:

constructor(private _subscribe: (observer: Observer) => void) {}

This is the function we are passing in as the _subscribe:

(observer) => {

This function takes whatever observer is passed to it and passes it values using next. Our constructor sets up this passed in function as a member variable called this._subscribe:

constructor(private _subscribe: (observer: Observer) => void) {}

But it doesn’t actually call the function that we passed in. Like a real observable, it won’t actually do anything until it is subscribed to. That is what this method in the observable is for:

  subscribe(observer: Observer) {

This method calls the _subscribe function that was set up by the constructor when we created the observable, and it passes it whatever observer we subscribed with. So, this is the observable we created:

const emitOneToFive$ = new Observable((observer) => {

Which will do nothing initially, but if we subscribe to it by passing it an observer:

    next: (value) => console.log(value),
    error: (err) => {},
    complete: () => {}

We should get the following logged out to the console:


It is worth noting that with a real observable from RxJS, it is not required to pass in all three notifier methods for the observer. If you want to just handle the next values you can do this:

emitOneToFive$.subscribe((value) => console.log(value));

A real Observable also has the ability to unsubscribe. Imagine in our scenario above that we wanted a stream that emitted one number per second, starting at 1 and going up to infinity. We might want to stop receiving those values at some point, and that is what unsubscribe is for. That is why we implement Observable as a class, as we can nicely build these extra features and guarantees into it. What we have so far is just the most basic example.

I don’t think it is worthwhile at this point to go and recreate all of RxJS from scratch, the idea is that this simple example should give you some intuition for what an observable actually is.

What is a Subject?

There is an important distinction between two different types of observables. We have cold or unicast observables, and hot or multicast observables. The implementation we just looked at above, and the actual Observable implementation in RxJS, is a cold or unicast observable.

A Subject is a special type of Observable. It is special because:

  • It is a hot or multicast observable
  • It can be treated like any other normal observable (e.g. you can subscribe to it)
  • It can also be treated like an Observer (e.g. you can call the next, error, and complete methods on it)

The tricky part here is getting an understanding of what differentiates a hot or cold observable and why that matters. The main difference between a Subject and a normal Observable, and why the former is hot and the latter is cold, can be described in the way they connect producers of the values to the consumers/observers of those values.

A cold observable connects one producer of values to one consumer/observer of values. A hot observable connects one producer of values to one or more consumers/observers of values.

With our observable example, the values are produced from within the observable itself:

const emitOneToFive$ = new Observable((observer) => {

When we create the observable, we supply it with a function that will handle producing the values and notifying the observer of those values. The production of those values lives inside of the observable. This means that every time we subscribe to this observable we are re-running this value producing logic. A new “producer” of values is created for each subscription, so we only ever have this one-to-one relationship between the values being produced and the observers that are subscribing.

With a Subject, the values are produced from outside of the observable. This means that we can have multiple observers subscribing to the one subject, but we only have one set of values being produced and shared with all of the observers. We are going to look at how to create our own simple version of a Subject from scratch just like we did with the Observable, but first let’s take a look at a usage example to demonstrate this inside/outside concept I am talking about.

As we have just seen, this is how we would create an Observable using our simple implementation:

const emitOneToFive$ = new Observable((observer) => {

But this is how we would create a Subject:

const emitOneToFive$ = new Subject();

The obvious difference here is that the Subject contains no logic for producing the values. If we subscribe to the Observable and pass it an observer that logs out the values:

    next: (value) => console.log(value),
    error: (err) => {},
    complete: () => {}

We would immediately see:


If we subscribe with the same observer to a Subject we would see that:

Nothing happens… yet. Our subscriber is still listening, it just hasn’t received any values yet because they haven’t been produced yet. They need to produced outside of the Subject. Since a Subject is also an observer, I could now call:


Since we already have a subscriber for this Subject, as soon as we do this we would see:


Output to the console. Our stream has emitted one value now, and our one subscriber has received that value. What happens if we subscribe to the Subject again with a new observer?

    next: (value) => console.log(value),
    error: (err) => {},
    complete: () => {}

What do you think this second subscriber to the Subject would get after subscribing?

Nothing. The 1 has already been emitted and the second subscriber has missed it. With a hot observable, the stream just exists in its own right and will go on emitting values even if nobody is listening. If you’re late to the party, too bad (there are actually different types of subjects we can create to deal with situations like this).

If we now call next again on our Subject:


Both subscribers will receive this new value:


This demonstrates another key reason you might want to use a Subject - if you need to trigger values emitting on a stream from outside of that observable, you can use a Subject so that you have access to the next method. In a sense, the next method provided by a Subject is like a proxy way to call the next method of all of the observers currently subscribed to that Subject. We have actually already used this in our Todo app:

todos$ = new BehaviorSubject<Todo[]>([]);

addTodo(todo: Todo) {
    const newTodos = [...this.todos$.value, todo];

We create a todos$ subject, which is actually a BehaviorSubject. This is similar in spirit to a normal Subject but with some extra features. A BehaviorSubject is supplied with an initial value - you can see we are supplying it with an empty array as an initial value. Remember how with the Subject if you subscribed too late you wouldn’t get any values? With a BehaviorSubject it will always give new subscribers the last emitted value (or the initial value if no values have been emitted yet). As well as that, it also has a special value property that we can use to access the last emitted value without subscribing.

The point is, we want to create a stream that we can subscribe to from anywhere in the application, and we want to control producing values on that stream from outside of the stream itself. So, we use a Subject. In this case, when the addTodo method is called, which exists outside of the stream, we want to emit new values on the stream (specifically, we want to emit our new todos on that stream so anybody listening can get the new data).

There is one last important consideration about a cold observable and a hot observable, or a unicast observable and a multicast observable, or an Observable and a Subject. With an Observable the production logic is executed for every new subscriber. With a Subject the production logic is executed once and the results are shared with all current subscribers. This can become an important consideration if you are doing something expensive to produce the values. For example, let’s say you are making a request to some API and notifying observers of the value returned from that API. If you have lots of subscribers, that request is going to be executed for every subscriber if you use a standard Observable. If you use a Subject the request would only be executed once. There is no correct answer, the appropriate choice will depend on the situation, it’s just something important to keep in mind.

Creating a Simple Subject

Now that we have a basic idea of the difference between an Observable and a Subject, we are going to take a look at the structure of a Subject in a little more detail.

Let’s create a really simple example of our own Subject from scratch:

export interface Observer {
  next: (value: any) => void;
  error: (err: any) => void;
  complete: () => void;

export class Subject {
  private observers: Observer[] = [];

  subscribe(observer: Observer) {

  next(data: any) {
    for (const observer of this.observers) {

  error(err: any) {
    for (const observer of this.observers) {

  complete() {
    for (const observer of this.observers) {

This is an extremely over simplified example of creating our own Subject which is a type of observable - don’t confuse this with a “real” Subject from the RxJS library because the example I have created here strips out a lot of functionality and is only the most simple of simple implementations (again, the error and complete methods don’t even do anything special, and we don’t have the ability to unsubscribe from this subject).

We have created a class called Subject, and any instance of this Subject will maintain an array of observers:

const emitOneToFive$ = new Subject();

To subscribe to this observable stream, we pass our Subject instance an Observer using the subscribe method. Upon receiving a new Observer the Subject will add it to an array with all the other observers:

private observers: Observer[] = [];

subscribe(observer: Observer) {

This is what happens when we do this:

    next: (value) => console.log(value),
    error: (err) => {},
    complete: () => {}

This observer we have created that we are passing to subscribe will be added to the array of observers inside the Subject. To emit new data on the stream, and notify any observers of this data, we can call the next method. We have already seen this as well:


This 1 value will now be passed to the next notifier for every single observer inside of the observers array:

private observers: Observer[] = [];

Which for now is just one observer, but we could have as many subscribers/observers as we want.


That was quite the lesson. As I mentioned before, we have covered a lot of new concepts and theory that you don’t strictly need in order to use observables. However, the more you understand about this behind the scenes theory stuff, the easier observables will be to reason about and you will be able to use them more effectively.

If these concepts are new to you, I don’t expect that much of what we have talked about will stick right away. As we progress through this course we will utilise some of these concepts that we have just talked about, and hopefully having this context will spark something in your brain when you get to it. I would also advise revisiting this lesson every now and then as you gain experience until all of the concepts finally do click.

You can use the following quiz to test your knowledge, but again, don’t worry if you can’t get them all. Just continue the course and come back to this later.

Which of the following is NOT a reasonable description of the observer pattern?

What methods does an Observer implement?

How do we pass an Observer to an Observable?

Which of the following is NOT the role of an Observable?

What is one key difference between cold/unicast and hot/multicast observables?

A (standard) Observable is a...

A Subject is a...

How do we define the value production logic for a cold Observable?

How do we define the value production logic for a hot Observable (e.g. a Subject)?